CASE 11: Microsoft Data Campus (Quincy): “Over a half-million server computers… more (data) than 50,000 libraries of Congress….”
CASE 12: HIBER: Nano satellites for the first truly global IoT network. Great case study for private-partnering (e.g. with SpaceX) at new scales.
Only 5-10% of internet data searchable; 90% unsearchable in the private Deep Web and the covert Dark Web.
Forums demonstrate how crowd-sourcing needs editors and grown-ups. If regulation doesn’t come from within, expect direction from somewhere else?
Too busy with tech’s opportunities, we may overlook how nations can be like living, self-serving organisms; no surprise, technology is weaponized.
Can the world self-correct apace with tech’s scales and velocities?
Our networks maximize for autonomous actors, presumed smart and wise. But solutions create new needs and rails.
“Meta-gamers” devise solutions outside the game’s original design; but can we?
If not, expect edges to harden into drawbridges and moats.