Tuesday, September 17, 2024

NFTs: How It Can Shift Value – and Opportunities

HomeNews & CluesNFTs: How It Can Shift Value - and Opportunities

“Disintermediation” seems an ancient word, back to when Amazon started shutting down bookstores. Now, it’s artists teaching technologists how Non-Fungible Tokens might upend entire industries. It’s not just about a visual artist auctioning an infinite number of variations, each a unique, authenticated original. Do mass-access or re-streaming necessarily undermine artists’ control of product value? How does an artist flip that mass-access to actually extend and preserve a chain of monetizable distribution? How to use popularity to drive up value of the “real‘s”, e.g., creating demand for live access, or exclusive streams?

It’s not just about artists sidestepping publishers and content providers. Preconceptions and expectations over time become opaque containers everyone accepts; what new opportunities can we decontainerize if we can digitize the value ?


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